Numero Living exists as a brand since 2004. The company was created by Ana Vasconcelos, who brought to life an unique home decor brand, designed to enliven spaces with a distinctive touch of elegance and creativity.
Our aim is to achieve the perfect balance between fashion and interior design trends. We design pieces of high level of seduction and fascination, inspired by textures and shapes found in nature in our daily lives, though always bearing in mind the upcoming trends of modern design.
We are proud to be preferred choice of customers who appreciate design. Therefore, we focus on presenting versatile collections that will help our final customers enjoy a better lifestyle, living the dream infinitely, in the most sacred of all sanctuaries: their home or their own personal or professional spaces.
Bringing the dream to life...
Fascinated by fashion, art and the design world since a very early age , Ana Vasconcelos used to devour her mother’s haute couture magazines, which pages always took her to a fantasy dream world were the creations of the most dramatic and romantic tailors gained life!
After taking a degree in Management at the Oporto Catholic University, she began managing the family’s business, at the time, already renowned in the decoration market. The familiarity with this world and the desire to create her own personal project led her to the creation of Numero Living, in 2004.
Appropriating the catwalk trends, the creations of Ana Vasconcelos celebrate the perfect fusion between fashion and decoration, and continuously seduce us with new and surprising designs.
Countless trips abroad to analyze trends enabled Ana Vasconcelos to conceive with unique sensitivity the initial designs for the brand.
Innovative and sophisticated design concepts, with simple but amazing inspirations like nature, architecture, fashion and femininity live through unusual pieces marked by an unquestionable contemporary beauty.